From installation to inspections and maintenance, Action Fire and Alarm specializes in seeing our projects through from beginning to end. We perform all required annual fire alarm inspections in accordance with NFPA 72 codes and standards. We install equipment, including Kidde products, on new builds; and we can virtually test and repair any fire alarm panel, given the appropriate parts and programming capabilities.
Fire Alarm Inspections
To ensure their reliability, alarm systems must be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the requirement of NFPA 72 and your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Action Fire and Alarm will perform a program of annual and/or monthly testing, inspection and maintenance that is right for you and conforms to all NFPA code and manufacturer’s suggested inspection and maintenance requirements.
Here is a list of items and procedures included in an annual inspections in accordance with NFPA 72:
- Inspect control panel
- Verify monitoring connection
- Inspect annunciator
- Test pull stations
- Test bells
- Test all audible/visual devices
- Test elevator recall
- Test door holders
- Test smoke detector sensitivity every two years
- Test duct detectors
- Thermal detectors
- Test tamper switches
- Test flow switches
- Test ground fault detection circuitry
- Tested for grounded field wiring
- Battery standby verified
Service Records: Current and accurate service records must be kept relating to all fire alarm testing and inspection and maintenance activity. Action Fire and Alarm with maintain and updated information for owners and local Authorities Holding Jurisdiction (AHJ).